Beer and cheese is one of those combinations that at times
tastes better to me than wine and cheese. There is something comforting about
the rounder and malt-sweet flavor of the beer that balances with the saltiness
of the cheese. The effervescence in the beer also breaks up the density or
creaminess of certain cheeses. When thinking about entertaining with beer and
cheese, you want to be sure to pick beer with plenty of flavor. So put away the
Pabst Blue Ribbon and look for small production beers or European style beers. Belgian
Trappist beers are perfect with cheese, as are fruity IPA’s. Stick to cheeses
that are fairly dense with buttery, meaty and mushroom flavor profiles. Some
great pairings:
- Chimay ale with Chimay cheese (made in the same monastery, the cheese is actually washed in the Chimay beer)
- Ithaca India Pale Ale beer with Brillat Savarin (triple crème
cheese from France)
- Schneider Wiesen Edel-Weisse wheat beer with Hooligan
(buttermilk washed rind cheese from Connecticut)
- Delirium Tremens with Montgomery’s cheddar (raw and rustic
farmhouse cheddar from England)
You can also try a brown Guiness with the Boulette d'Avesnes or the Vieux Lille (cheeses from the north of France). But i'm not sure you can find them in US...
Congrulations for your Weblog. I like it even if my english is not so good :-)
Posted by: Manu | May 09, 2006 at 03:13 PM