Fat is good. It makes everything taste yummy and is a critical part of a healthy diet. Some fats are better for you than others (hydrogenated vegetable fats are bad, bad, bad). Animal fats (in moderation) are good for you and just so happen to be the tastiest of all.
Here is a little fat IQ test I nicked from Juliet Harbutt (a most accomplished and hilariously funny cheese lady I met in Portland). Place the items below in order of fat content (as % of total weight) from highest to lowest.
- Cheddar cheese
- Edam cheese
- Margarine
- Peanuts
- Potato chips
- Sour cream
- Whole milk
- Yogurt
- Butter
Answers (highest to lowest): #1 Margarine & Butter (tied), #3 Peanuts, #4 Potato chips, #5 Cheddar cheese, #6 Edam cheese, #7 Sour cream, #8 Yogurt, #9 Whole milk.
Why does everything that tastes so good be so unhealthy. It's almost unfair. :) I wouldn't have guessed that whole milk would be the lowest of all of these.
Posted by: Red Rock Country Club Las Vegas | January 02, 2012 at 11:51 PM